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Along specific belts within the crust. You're welcome, sir.

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Q: Where do the majority of the earthquakes in earth occur?
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Where else in the US do earthquakes occur?

the majority of earth quakes in the USA occur in California and in Alaska

Where on earth has had the most earthquakes?

The majority of earthquakes occur on or near fault lines - the boundaries between tectonic plates. To actually see where earthquakes occur, try finding a historical seismicity map.

Do earthquakes occur more frequently in the interior plates?

No. The vast majority of earthquakes occur at or near plate boundaries.

Why are volcanoes and earthquakes found together?

The majority of earth's volcanoes and earthquakes occur near the boundaries of tectonic plates. Therefore, an area that has volcanoes is likely to be prone to earthquake as well.

Do earthquakes occur as earth's plates collide?

Yes that is generally where most earthquakes occur

What events happen at a convergent continental continental boundary?

For a variety of reasons, the majority of the earth's most violent earthquakes and volcanoes occur in these areas

Where on earth do earthquakes occur?

Most earthquakes occur at or near the boundaries between tectonic plates.

Are there more earthquakes under the sea than on land?

Yes, there are more earthquakes under the sea than on land because the majority of Earth's tectonic plate boundaries are located beneath the ocean. These plate boundaries are where most earthquakes occur due to the movement of the plates.

Which plate earthquakes occur at?

Earthquakes can occur anywhere on Earth but large ones are more common at destructive plate bookbinderies.

Why do earthquakes do not occur on other planets?

because they are not earth

Why do the majority of tsunamis occur in the pacific ocean?

Tsunamis mostly occur in the Pacific Ocean because they are made because of Earthquakes and lots of earthquakes happen in the ring of fire.

Where in the earth do the most Earthquakes occur?

on the tectonic plate margins.