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In fusion engines we call stars, protons, which are hydrogen nuclei, are forced together and fused to create helium. This happens in early stellar life with the small- to medium-sized stars. When the protons are forced together, the first step involves fusing a pair of protons together with the weak interaction or weak nuclear force mediating the change of a proton into a neutron. Deuterium, or heavy hydrogen, is created. When deuterium reacts with a proton and the pair of particles are fused, a helium-3 nucleus is formed. From there, the reaction possibilities increase and we view what could occur along branches. This is the proton-proton chain reaction that is the basic process in stellar nucleosynthesis. The key to understanding these reactions is the knowledge of the ability of a proton to transform into a neutron through mediation by the weak nuclear force.

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When nuclear fusion occurs in the proton-proton reaction, two hydrogen-1 nuclei, (two protons) fuse, and one of the protons will immediately undergo beta decay and become a neutron. That results in the production of a hydrogen-2 nucleus (a neutron and a proton), which we know as deuterium. Next, the deuterium will fuse with another hydrogen-1 nucleus (a proton), and this will create a light helium nucleus (helium-3). Then two He-3 nuclei fuse and create a helium-4 (He-4) nucleus and two hydrogen-1 nuclei.

There are a couple of other routes through which hydrogen can fuse to end up with helium, but this one is probably the "simplest" of them. A link can be found below to review this information and find out about the other options regarding fusion to create helium.

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How can you combine 2 hydrogen atoms to form a helium atom?

Nuclear fusion. - - - - - There's three kinds of hydrogen: protium, deuterium and tritium. Protium is the vast majority of all hydrogen, and it has no neutrons. Deuterium has one neutron and tritium has two. With no neutrons you can't produce an atom with more than one proton, because they repel each other without the moderating force neutrons give. In the conditions of the sun, neutrons can be made; therefore, you can make helium out of protium. (But it'll take four atoms of protium to give one of helium, two of which will become neutrons.) The fusion reactors we have on earth require deuterium and tritium to work. On earth or in space, sticking two hydrogen atoms in close proximity gives an H2 molecule, not a He atom.

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It's called the proton-proton cycle. It's the source of the sun's energy. Also called nuclear fusion.

What is the process by which stars burn brightly?

Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.Stars get their energy from nuclear fusion - mainly, hydrogen to helium.

What kind of change is hydrogen to helium?

nuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium

Nuclear fusion on the sun changes hydrogen into?


What does nuclear fusion convert hydrogen into?

Nuclear reactions in the cores of stars convert hydrogen to helium

What does a atom look like after nuclear fusion?

The most likely form of fusion to be successful on earth will be to produce helium from hydrogen isotopes. Helium has two protons and two neutrons in its nucleus.

How does nuclear fusion generate the suns energy?

The Sun energy is from hydrogen fusion.

What nuclear reaction happens between hydrogen and helium in the sun?

Nuclear fusion, in which hydrogen-1 is fused into helium-4.

The process of changing hydrogen to helium?

nuclear fusion