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In the book "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH," the rats learn to stockpile and gather food from the library books they have access to. They use their intelligence and knowledge gained from reading to survive and thrive in their environment.

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Q: Where do the rats learn to stockpile In the Rats Of Nihm?
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Where do the rats learn about stockpiling in mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH?

In "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH," the rats learn about stockpiling from the human farmer, Mr. Fitzgibbon. They observe him storing food for the winter and realize they can do the same to ensure their survival. By watching and learning from humans, the rats are able to apply this concept of stockpiling to their own situation in the rose bush.

In MrsFrisby and the Rats of NIMH where did the learn about stockpiling?

In "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH," the rats learn about stockpiling food and supplies from a book on farming techniques that they find in the farmhouse where they live. This knowledge helps them prepare for future challenges and ensures their survival during times of scarcity.

How many rats did the lab order in Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH?

In "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH," the lab ordered a dozen rats. They were part of a group of rats who were part of an experiment at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

What does the rats of NIMH mean?

The Rats of NIMH refers to a group of highly intelligent lab rats from the book "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH" by Robert C. O'Brien. These rats were part of an experiment at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) that was conducted to enhance their intelligence and cognitive abilities.

What did Mrs Frisby learn from Isabella in Rats of NIMH?

Mrs. Frisby learned from Isabella in Rats of NIMH that the rats' intelligence and abilities came from the experiments conducted on them at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Isabella revealed that they escaped from NIMH and established their own community in Thorn Valley.

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How many rats were in group a in Mrs.Frisby and the rats of Nihm?

7 or 8

Who died in the end of mrs frisby and the rats of nihm?

Nicodemus died at the end of miss frisby and the rats of nihm

Did Justin die rats of nihm?

No justin does not die.

Who is Julia in Mrs frisby and the rats of nihm?

Julia is a rat that studies in the library with the rats. Shes a Klutz

Where in the book Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIHM is the abbreviation explained?

NIHM is the National Institute of Mental Health.

Who is Paul in MrsFrisby and the rats of NIHM?

Paul is Mr.Fitzgibbons son in this story

In Mrs Frisby and the Rats of Nihm who is the author of the book?

The book "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH" was written by Robert C. O'Brien.

What did Johnathan frisby do for the rats of NIHM?

he help them escape from the NIHM and help them by putting the sleeping potion in the cat Dragon's meal.

What was the plan on mrsfrisby and the rats of nihm?

The plan was to put sleeping powder in Dragon's bowl

Why was the owl not particularly interested in helping Mrs Frisby?

Because the rats did not communicate with the rest of the animals on the farm, but at the mention of her name, he says to go to the rats of NIHM.

In the book Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIHM where is Thorn Valley?

Thorn Valley is located in the countryside, hidden away from human eyes. It is a peaceful and idyllic place where the intelligent rats from NIHM (National Institute of Mental Health) have created their own society and live independently.

In mrs frisby and the rats of nihm who volunteered to put sleeping powder in the cats food?

Mrs. Frisby