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A tree's leaves reflect green light (which is why they appear green to us) and absorb the rest, this is the energy they use for photosynthesis.

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Q: Where do the remaining colors of light go after reaching the trees from the sun?
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What colors of light reach the trees from the Sun?

The full spectrum of light reaches trees (and Earth). There are 7 (6 in some books) colors. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (debatable color), and purple.

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I meant producers

Which plant is called green gold?

because of trees Plants are green because of the chlorophyl in their tissues absorbe the other colors of the light spectrum so to your eyes, the reflected light is green. Under the canopy, the ambient light is green because some light passes through the leaves.

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Why some trees' leaves change colors and some don't?

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How do koalas stay safe?

Koalas stay safe by remaining in trees. They are at their most vulnerable when they are on the ground, moving between their home trees.