

Where do the zebras hibernate?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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10y ago

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Zebras do not hibernate.

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Q: Where do the zebras hibernate?
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Do zebras sleep during winter?

they sleep but they do not hibernate

Where do cape mountain zebras hibernate or migrate?

Horse species like zebras do not hibernate at all. Cape Mountain zebras usually do not wander more than 20 kilometers away from a water source, so they don't really migrate either.

Where do zebras go to hibernate?

Quite simply, no. They live in a warm climate where food is available all year round. This means that they have no need to store fat and bypass the 'difficult' winter months. Also close to the equator the seasons are less defined and between the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer it is mostly accepted that there are only two seasons, wet and dry. Grasses grow in plentiful supply and can sustain the zebra population without giving them the need to hibernate.

Do zebras have baby zebras?

Of course they do! How would the zebra species still be 'alive' if the adult zebras didn't have baby zebras. Of course they have babies.

How do zebras sleep in the night?

Zebras usually sleep or doze standing up during the day; some may be brave enough to lay down for a few minutes or so for some real deep REM sleep. Usually some of the herd stays awake to watch for predators.

Do cockrooachs hibernate?

No cockroaches do not hibernate. Bugs them selves do not hibernate.

Do zebras have fathers?

Zebras reproduce sexually, so zebras do have fathers.

Does hippo hibernate?

No, they do not hibernate.

Do martens hibernate?

no they do not hibernate

Are zebras prey?

Zebras are prey. Several other animals eat zebras, but zebras don't eat other animals.

Do spotted bobcats hibernate?

No, they do not hibernate. Felines as a species doesn't hibernate.

How does a bald eagle hibernate?

Eagles do not hibernate. Birds don't hibernate.