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Q: Where do wages payable show on the balance sheet?
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What is the purpose of doing the calculation Beginning salaries and wages payable PLUS Salaries and wages expense MINUS cash payments to employees EQUALS Ending salaries and wages payable?

The main purpose of this calculation is to find the salary and wages payable liability to show in the liability side of the balance sheet.

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What statement does Accounts payable show?

Balance sheet of the company shows the total amount of accounts payable for a fiscal year of business.

Does interest payable go on a balance sheet?

Interest payable is the interest which is not yet paid and required payment to be made so it is the liability of the company and that's why it will show as a current liability under liability side of the balance sheet.

Is income tax payable located on a balance sheet or income statement?

No. Income taxes payable is a liability and would show up on the balance sheet (although it might not have its own caption depending on how material the number is compared to the rest of the Company's liabilities). The income statement account that is typically "the partner" to the income taxes payable account is the current tax provision.

Is debenture interest paid shown in balance sheet?

if Debenture interest is paid already then it will only show in income statement while if debenture interest is payable in future then it will only comes balance sheet, while if part of interest paid and part of interest payable then portion of paid amount will be shown in income statement while remaining amount will be shown in balance sheet as liability

Is EB-IT shown in balance sheet?

EBIT is not show in balance sheet rather Earning after tax is shown in balance sheet.

What is the meaning of accounts payable account balance has increase on the trial balance?

account payable is also called Bils paybal its show cr balance and it is a liability for the business

Off balance sheet activities?

Off balance sheet activities are those activities which do not show any impact on balance sheet like operating lease in which company uses the assets but not shown in balance sheet.

Is deprecation included in a balance sheet?

Depreciation is not included in balance sheet it is income statement part and accumulated deprecation is use to show deduction from asset in balance sheet.

What does a personal balance sheet show you?

a personal balance sheet depicts your financial position or worth.Thus what you own and owe.

Why do companies show a net loss on their balance sheet?

Answer:Net income is added to equity (retained earnings) at the end of the year. The end of year balance sheet can be presented either before and after profit appropriation. Before profit appropriationWhen the balance sheet is made before profit appropriation, net income will be included as a item on the balance sheet in the equity section. In case net income is a loss, this amount will be negative. This is the situation that the question refers to (a loss is shown on the balance sheet).After profit appropriationWhen the balance sheet is made after profit appropriation, net income is not shown as a separate item on the balance sheet under equity. Depending whether or not a dividend is paid, net income will show up as a dividend payable, or will be added to a reserve (for example, retained earnings). In case of a loss, it will be subtracted from a reserve.