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Q: Where do you detect differences between the proposer and swift himself?
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All blood types have the same oxygen in them. The only differences between them are the types of antigens on the membranes that help to detect foreign blood.

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Yes, magnify and look for area where edges are not naturally cust, over bleed of colouring, temperature differences between the different objects

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You must be doing the Athens And Democracy worksheet in the section Points to ponder question 3 I know because Ime doing it too!

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Because Urine carries alot of waste products from the body, and using urine it can give you an idea as to what you are doing with your body... (e.g) How you eat.

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The rods in the retina of the eyes are sensitive to low levels of light and movement. The cones are the ones that are sensitive to color and intensity, so the rods do not see color.

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the head facing differences&water hols is blocked .....

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Laser detectors detect laser speed devices and Radar detectors detect radar speed devices.Unfortunately it's usually too late when they detect Lasers.

How did Sirius Black escape from Azakaban?

He was an unregistered animagus. He escaped by turning himself into his animal form which the Dementors were unable to detect.