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To find cotton, look for whitish bushes, and pick up the cotton.

- ScarletStorm, Palomino Server : )

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Q: Where do you get cotton from on horseisle?
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Related questions

Where can you find cloth on HorseIsle?

You can't find cloth, unless someone has dropped it, but you can craft it with 10 pieces of cotton in Treeton. To find cotton, look for whitish bushes, and pick up the cotton. - ScarletStorm, Palomino Server : )

How do you help Greig to find his glasses in the cotton for HorseIsle?

Go to the ranches north of greig's house. Then go up a bit more and then search with your loop in the bit of grass in the middle of the cotton plants.Olympia on Bay Server

Where are Greg's glasses on HorseIsle?

Go exactly north east of Greg's house to a cotton patch. Stand in the very middle of the cotton patch and use your search tools. Once you have found them take the glasses back to greg :)

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There is no actual way to hack into HorseIsle.

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HORSEISLE ANSWER:SpiritEverPuppy-Brown Server

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Horseisle is a computer game so it is international.

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On HorseIsle, there is no such thing as "shinning stats"

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Polar IslePrincessCheese, HorseIsle Palomino Server

Who created HorseIsle?

Miranda and Joe Durbin invented horseisle in around 2007.

Where are some cheats for HorseIsle ice sculptures?

HorseIsle is a cheat-free site.

What is the url of HorseIsle 2?

The URL for HorseIsle 2 is under the 'Related Links'