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The Canadian research psychologist Robert Hare, whose books, especially "Without Conscience," tell about much of it in detail. That book can be bought at most bookstores. He is said to be writing another as a follow-up because he's done even further research.

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How do you tell someone they are a sociopath?

"You are a sociopath." However, if they truly are, it won't matter to that person.

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Research believes yes and they are still looking for it.

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How do you know if you are a sociopath or not?

if you are asking, you're not one.

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The sociopath remarries because he/she don't know any better and are sometimes lonely

Are there websites to warn woman on dating sites of someone you already know is a sociopath?

I can't find any. I think it would be a great thing for both genders to have a site to go to to check on someone that they're interested in. I could warn many women of a sociopath I was involved with who's still on the dating sites.

How do you know if a sociopath is gay?

The only way to know is to ask the person.

What is the difference between a sociopath and someone with explosive rage?

Sociopath seems to be someone who has ill intentions and is purposely hurtful while someone with explosive rage may just have problems dealing with anger and bottles it up until it turns to rage.

Do you have first hand answers about how I could get involved with a sociopath?

It is not advisable to intentionally get involved with a sociopath as it can be harmful to your well-being. If you suspect that someone you know might be a sociopath, it is important to set boundaries and seek support from trusted professionals or organizations that can help you navigate the situation safely. Remember to prioritize your own mental and emotional health.