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An epidural block is given in the lower back into a small area (the epidural space) below the spinal cord. You will be asked to sit or lie on your side with your back curved outward and to stay this way until the procedure is completed. You can move when it's done, but you may not be allowed to walk around.


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14y ago

An epidural block is given in the lower back into a small area (the epidural space) below the spinal cord. You will be asked to sit or lie on your side with your back curved outward and to stay this way until the procedure is completed. You can move when it's done, but you may not be allowed to walk around.

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Can you get epidural with every birth?

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yes you can have and epidural if you are induced - Christina ballesteros

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Heck yeah, get the epidural! Especially if you are a woman in labor!

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The anagram is the medical term "epidural."

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I think the needle will be inserted in lumbar 3 and 4 for epidural.

Under what circumstances is epidural therapy performed?

Epidural anesthesia can block most of the pain of labor and birth for vaginal and surgical deliveries. Epidural analgesia is also used after cesarean sections

Blood vessels servicing the spinal cord are found in the?

Epidural Space

Can you have an epidural if you smoke?

I received an epidural steroid injection a couple years ago and my doctors knew I smoke.

How long after epidural does a woman give birth?

There is no set time after an epidural that you deliver. There are many factors that go into delivery. It depends on how dialated you are when you receive the epidural Also, how fast and strong your contractions are. You can be in labor for quite a while after you get your epidural. The joy is that you don't mind it so much anymore.