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For a single thermometer, placement should be in a central location.

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Q: Where do you put the thermometer in a terrarium?
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Why is it recommended that you put sand or pebbles at the bottom of a terrarium?

It is recommended that you put sand or pebbles at the bottom of a terrarium to allow drainage when watering plants.

What is the definition of terrarium?

A terrarium is a bowl where you put moist fertile garden soil and plants growing on it to observe for experiments.

What do lizard need in their cage?

Lizards need a little cave house, a water bowl, a fake plant in their cage, and a plastic thermometer.

What type of lizards can you put together in an terrarium?

Any kind of lizards maybe...

Make a terrarium?

i think for how do you make a terrarium they want pictures and how you make a terrarium

Terrarium in a sentence?

My grandmother made a lovely terrarium out of an old, glass cigar jar.

How is terrarium done?

You make a terrarium by taking a large jar and then you put soil into it. Then after that, you select the types of plants you would like to use in your terrarium, according to how much sun they should get. You plant them, and you can water them whenever the soil seems dry, or you can put a lid onto of the jar so it's like a self-watering system. Make sure that the jar or container is large enough for the plants you put in it. Good Luck ;)

How do you spell terrarium?

That is the correct spelling of "terrarium."

Can you put a fire-bellied toad and 2 anoles in the same terrarium?

I wouldn't mix reptiles and amphibians.

What kinds of plants and animals would you put into a terrarium to make it self-sustaining?

reptiles and wild flowers

Is it ok to put a rock that was in a fish tank in a snake terrarium?

Not unless it has been thoroughly scrubbed and sterilised !

What is the device that you put in your mouth if you have a cold?
