

Where do you store meringue mixture?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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No. If you read any recipe, you need to beat the mixture until it is aerated, then bake - this holds the aeration. In other words, if you store it, it will lose all the bubbles you beat, and it won't be light and fluffy when you bake.

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The best place is in the fridge.

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No, you cannot dye meringues!Because dye is a liquid, when you stir it into the meringue mixture, it will turn the mixture sloppy meaning you can't pipe it. ?It still won't work even if you want it to be flat as it is the wrong texture.Trust me! I tried!

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Store in an airtight container. If the meringue is too big for that, wrap tightly in clingfilm and refrigerate.

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Meringue. Meringue.

What is French Meringue?

French Meringue is what most inexperienced cooks will just refer to as "meringue". It is made by whisking egg whites until soft peaks, then adding sugar a teaspoon at a time, whisking after each addition, until stiff peaks have been formed. This mixture is then baked in a cool temperature oven until hard on the outside but soft in the middle. There is also Italian meringue, which is really useful for desserts when the meringue is only briefly, or not at all cooked. For example, baked Alaska. Italian Meringue is made by whisking egg whites to soft peaks, then pouring on a solution of hot sugar syrup, which cooks the egg whites. Then you continue to whisk to stiff peaks / until the meringue is cold. There is also Swiss Meringue. This is made with the same method as French meringue, however most or all of the sugar will be swapped to icing sugar (but not in the same quantity; usually more icing sugar is required than caster sugar). This produces a very delicate meringue.