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People get physical energy from the food they consume.

People get emotional energy from those around them. That's what a wave is at a Baseball game.

People get creative energy from their surroundings and from the knowledge they attained through the educational process.

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1mo ago

Humans get their energy primarily from the food they eat. Our bodies break down the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in our food into energy in the form of ATP through a process called cellular respiration. This energy is then used by the body for various functions such as movement, metabolism, and brain activity.

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How do humans use energy from the sun?

The warmth i think

Where do you think we humans get energy?

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What is the energy molecule for all living things?

Last I heard, the energy molecule for humans is ATP, adenosine triphosphate. I don't think that other living things such as plants have ATP. They do photosynthesis. But regarding humans, ATP is taught to be the energy molecule.

Where do humans get there energy?

Humans use food for energy.

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Animals produce energy just the same as humans, they release energy to certain body parts and sexual organs sub-consciously. Humans have to release energy to make things work, except you do not think it.

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All energy is derived from the sun. Sun gives plants energy to undergo photosynthesis so we get crops which we humans can consume and obtain energy from these crops such as corn. From the crops animals such as cattle can consume it and from this we get meat which humans can convert to energy to survive.

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Humans can't live without energy - they have always used energy.

How sunlight is the primary source even though humans do not go through photosynthesis?

Think about the food chain. Although, yes, humans do not perform photosynthesis, we get our energy from other organisms, some of which, do. When we consume plants or animals that eat plants, we are consuming energy that had been taken from the sun's energy.

What is energy for?

Humans get energy from the food they eat.

Why do humans have to have food?

Humans need food to use for energy, without energy we die basically.

What do Revenants read off?

Did you mean read or feed? In the book Storm Thief, there are Revenants. I think they get their energy from the souls of the humans they possess.