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a girl named paisley

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Q: Where do you use the bad guy's key card in counterfeit island?
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How do you stop the bad guys on counterfeit island?

run like crazy

Who are the bad guys on Counterfeit Island?

The international art thief called the Black Widow is out to steal the painting The Scream, and is aided by her henchmen and guards.

How do you find the bad guy on Counterfeit Island?

Go on, search in counterfeit island walkthrough. It might help.

Who is the bad guy in conterfeit island?

the bad guy for counterfeit is the black widow

How do you find the time card on Counterfeit Island?

When the security guard left the gallery hall, the painting was stolen. He feels bad and is trying to cheer himself up at the Clown Store. He has his time card with him.

What if you can't pass the forgery test for the job on counterfeit island?

You have to re do it. It is not that bad.

Where did the bad guy in the boat go on Counterfeit island?

He went off to the black widows lair .

What do you do after the bad guy gets away on counterfeit island?

Go back to the museum. You have a package waiting for you there.

How do you make it past the bad guys to get to the card scanner on Counterfeit Island?

Go along the bottom level until you get to the end. Climb up behind the guard and get above him on the boxes. When you see the female guard (third level) walk over and turn away, jump up and sneak behind her until you get near the chair. Jumping on the springy chair should send you up and left to the locked door. (You have the key card.)

How do you get in the bad guys lair on spy island?

The satellite control center

How do you get the thing that lets you fly on super power island on poptropica?

You have to put at least 4 or 5 bad guys in jail then you go back to where you started on superpower the the phone will ring answer it the they will give you the power tofly. Your welcome. coolshelby01 poptropica p.s. I beat all of the islands and i am waiting for counterfeit island to come out tomorrow.

What do you do when you find the hide out on wild west island on poptropica?

You start to chase the bad guys.