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Q: Where does Elizabeth say she has placed her chiefest strength and safeguard?
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What happend to Elizabeth after she killed Mary the Queen of Scots?

In 1554 Mary had Elizabeth imprisoned in the Tower of London, briefly threatened her with execution, and then placed her under house arrest. Elizabeth lived quietly at her family's country retreat north of London until she became queen upon her sister's death in 1558. Elizabeth's experiences as a child and young adult helped her develop keen political instincts that allowed her to skillfully balance aristocratic factions and court favorites during her long reign.

What was the greatest thing that happened to Elizabeth Tudor?

During Elizabeth I's reign, England experienced the first Golden Age. The discovery of America could be considered as the greatest thing. It placed Britain at the centre of the world's trading routes and brilliant naval commanders. It also enabled England to dominate these trade routers. a Source: Aspects of Britain n USA and my own knowledge ^^

Who was more beautiful Elizabeth I or Mary Queen of Scots?

Both were considered beautiful at the time, although I believe that Mary was said to be a bit more pretty of the two. It is an extremely interesting questions because both women possed an almost identical colouring. Both had long thick lustrous glossy red-gold hair, large and expressive dark sexually magnetic eyes, an extremely fine pale complexion and rosy lips. And both had very slender figures. Although personally I think Mary Stuart being ten years younger then Elizabeth and also having a very cozened lifestyle, especially compared to the emotionally unstable and traumatic lifestyle of Elizabeth, was the prettier of the two. Elizabeth's features,although beautiful were often very hard and strong. And whereof Mary dressed in colours that emphasised her beauty. Elizabeth would often dress to make a political point of view.

Why did the peasant family give up elizabeth in Frankenstein?

The peasant family raised Elizabeth because her mother died during childbirth and was placed with the family to nurse; back then they were wealthier. Her father also died, so she became an orphan and a beggar, so the family completely took her in.

Why did Mary imprison her sister Queen Elizabeth?

Elizabeth was the third in line for the throne after Henry VIII's death. She was a protestant heir to the throne and Mary who was the Catholic monarch before her was afraid that she would attempt to over throw her and place herself on the throne as a Protestant Queen. Mary imprisoned Elizabeth in 1554 because she was thought to have been involved in a Protestant plot against Mary that was lead by Sir Thomas Wyatt. She was released a short time later, I believe it was 8 weeks later, with no charge but was placed under house arrest.

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"be be be be a women""i would rather be a begger and single, than a queen and married""he who placed me in this seat, will keep me here"

What Elizabeth said to encourage her navy to fight the Spanish?

"My loving people, we have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes for fear of treachery. But I assure you, I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear! I have always behaved myself that, under God I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts of good will of my subjects, and, therefore, I am come amongst you at this time, not for my recreation and disport,but being resolved to live or die amongst you all, to lay down for my God and for my kingdom and for my people, my honor and my blood - even in the dust. I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king - and of a King of England, too - and I think foul scorn that Parma, or Spain, or any prince of Europe, should dare to invade the borders of my realm; to which, rather than any dishonor shall grow by me, I myself will take up arms, I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field.............." There's more, but that's all I can remember at the moment. The language might be paraphrased somewhat, but I think it's fairly close to the Tilbury speech.

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He was re-born in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when Peter Pettigrew made a potion and placed Voldemort in it.

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Why is a iron bar placed in a solenoid?

An iron bar is placed in a solenoid to increase the magnetic field strength produced by the solenoid. The iron bar becomes magnetized by the solenoid's magnetic field, enhancing the overall magnetic effect. This is commonly used in devices like electromagnets to amplify their magnetic strength.

Why did Queen Elizabeth lock bess of hardwick in the Tower of London twice?

Firstly Katherine Grey sister to Lady Jane Grey confided to Bess that she had secretly married. It was Bess's duty to disclose to Elizabeth this information which she did not. Being privy, she was deemed an accomplice and placed in the Tower for several months Secondly, her connivings with Margaret, Countess of Lennox to secretly marry her daugher Elizabeth with Charles the son of Margaret meant that they could face life imprisonment for treason for tampering with the succession and not getting Elizabeth's permission. Both Margaret and Bess were placed in the Tower. Bess again for only a few months

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That is generally credited to Sir Walter Raleigh.

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