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Q: Where does Grool Grubnibbler hide the cage in dizzywood?
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Where would a female teddy bear hamster hide in its cage?

Hamsters hide in their houses in their cage or under their bedding.

Why does a hamster hide in small spaces in its cage?

Your hamster hides in small parts of your cage because it is probably scared or if it is a robo hamster the hide might not be suitable for him/her

What do you keep a rabbit inside?

A cage. One with something they can hide in.

Where would a hamster hide after the cage got knocked down by a cat?

Put the cage somwhere were the cat cannot reach it.

Where do hamsters usally hide?

they hide under their sawdust and bedding basically the things you put down for them and under you bed if they escape from their cage.

How do you get your hamster out of their cage when there hiding?

You need to look for them. They hide by instinct. This is normal behavior.

What do you need for a rabbit that is going to give birth?

Make sure the cage is clean. Also, provide a small hide away in the cage to give birth. If your rabbit lives in a hutch, you won't need this hide away. Most importantly, cover the cage with a blanket when the doe is giving birth.

What do bunnies have fun with?

Bunnies have fun climbing on things - ex- like a hard hat u put in there cage , they also like to run jump and hide So u need to put a tunnel in its cage so it can hide..

How much woodshaving do you put in a hamster cage?

enough so the hamster can hide under it.

Where did that guy hide the key for the cage of jack and Annie on poptropica?

You aren't told and don't need to know. You simply shoot their cage down with a ninja star.

Where do hamsters like to hide in their cage?

mine alway used to hide in its beding (cotton wool) or a place away from light in the evening they will run around and eat

How do you hide my breast?

You can stop this by having your rib cage broken by a doctor and have them re-set.