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HIV/AIDS is not found in the vagina. It's in the circulatory system, the blood, mucus, etc. It is in lesser or non-existent amounts in saliva in you mouth, the acids do not lend to long life of the virus. You contract HIV/AIDS by being in the vagina because the vagina secretes fluid/liquid/mucus that contains the virus. If she cut her finger and rubbed her blood on you on an open wound or cut, you could get HIV/AIDS from that without ever being inside her vagina. While HIV/AIDS is primarily spread through sexual intercourse, vaginal or anal, it can technically be spread by any of the bodily fluids I've mentioned, and not just through sex.

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Q: Where does HIV virus found inside the vagina?
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HIV cells are not found in plants. Forms of the HIV virus only exist in Primates and Felines.

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It is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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Technically speaking, the HIV virus can be found in virtually all bodily fluids. Therefore, a wound drainage would be among them. However, the HIV is found in much higher concentrations is the fluids that are part of the reproductive system.

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Can HIV live in Coca Cola?

No, HIV can't live in Coca-Cola. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV can only live inside the human body and dies shortly after being exposed to air. HIV is a STD (sexually transmitted disease).

Once HIV enters the body it enters where?

When you get infected with HIV, the virus enters your blood and gets inside your cells that are floating around

Is HIV a virus or bacteria?

HIV is a virus,as its full form is human immuno virus.

Does bacteria or virus cause HIV?

HIV is a virus.

Can HIV virus live inside dog's mouth?

No that's only transmitted sexually