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Steggles Chicken

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Q: Where does KFC get there meat from?
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Related questions

Does KFC use real meat?

Yes, KFC uses real chickens.

Why is it bad to eat kfc?

KFC has too much fat content from the meat, and can cause obesity.

Did Michael Jackson eat meat?

Yes, mostly chicken from KFC.

Does Michael Jackson like meat?

He liked chicken or at least KFC anyway.

Is McDonald's meat free range?

No, KFC chicken is not free range.

What is better McDonald's or KFC?

Depends on you what you like. Mac donalds is for kids and kfc is adults. If you are a vegetarian then mcd is the one for you but if you like meat then go to kfc.... if you like non veg dont ever go to mcd it'll ruin your taste.

How many pieces are in 40lb of chickenwings?

53 peaces of Kfc at least But we all know That they been skimping on the meat

What ingredients are in KFC Veggie Sandwitch?

If you want a veggie sandwich go somewhere other than a place that sells meat

Is Michael Jackson a vegaterian?

He was when he was younger, some where down the line he started eating meat again, or at least KFC anyway.

What foods are high in trans fat?

KFC, Mcdonalds, American Fast foods, and possibly junk foodFatty foodsBBQ meat

What is the core product of KFC?

They built goodwill over the years and made a solid "brand" for the business. **************************** Cheap, good and tasty!

Does Japan have meat?

Yes they are. Pork,beaf and also chiken. Also they have Mcdonald's and KFC and even Wendy's. Therefor Japanese people could eat meat kind of as much as Americans nowadays.