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The vaginal opening

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Q: Where does a baby exit the mother?
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The question is which part of the body is pointed toward the exit, and how far along is the mother.

From where does a baby naturally exit its mother's womb?

Babies come out of a mommy's tummy through a C-Section.... Also known as a Cesarean Section which is a surgical procedure in which one or more incisions are made through a mother's stomach and uterus to deliver the baby.

What does the mother give to the baby?

The mother gives the baby food and blood, to help the baby grow!

How does the age of the mother affect the baby?

Generally, the younger the mother, the better for both mother and baby

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The mother dolphin takes care of her baby

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Roxy Mitchell is baby Amy's mother.

Do you have to have one baby before you can be a surrogate mother?

Do you have to have a baby before you can be a surrogate mother

How is baby connected to mother?

The umbilical cord connects the mother and child. The baby gets oxygen from the mother's blood.

How does a mother feed a baby dolphins?

A mother dolphin gives milk to its baby. While swimming the baby goes close to the mother's breasts, and the mother squirts milk into its mouth. Its pretty fascinating.

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An Okapi mother feeds its baby milk.

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