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Most commonly, blind spots in the retina are on or nearby the pupil/iris. It should be looking "clouded" and they might even get a blue tint to them.


The above answer makes very little sense at all but I'll leave it in for now just in case it is somehow what was wanted. It'd be fairer to let an objective adjudicator decide.

Anyhow....a blindspot on the retina occurs at the optic nerve. This is because as light enters the eye (through the pupil) it is projected onto the retina, which is essentially the back wall of the eye.

Your retina is covered in tiny little sensors known as rods and cones (generally speaking cones allow colour vision during the day and rods allow the grainy black and white sight in the dark). So when light hits these cells, it breaks down pigments inside the cell according to wavelength (thus colour!) and that sends signal from that cell to the brain.

There are millions of these in each eye and when you add them all up, you get a complete picture of that which is projected upon the back of your eye.

However! All of these cells must have nerves running from them to the brain so these signals can be sent. All of these nerves from the retina are bundled together, where they meet at a certain point in the retina and then lead out the back of the eye into the brain. This bundle is called the optic nerve and obviously at that point on the retina, there's no rods or cones...meaning no light at that point is actually collected or processed, giving you a blind spot.

To demonstrate this, you can do a classic blind spot test. You can do it with paper and a pencil, or there's a web version here:

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13y ago

The 'blind spot' is the area where the eye connects to the optic nerve. There are no light sensitive cells here.

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Q: Where does a blind spot in the retina occur?
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Where in the eye is the blind spot?

it is found on the retina

The axons of the retina culminate in what nerve?

The axons of the retina culminate in the optic nerve.

Why is the blind spot so called?

a blind spot is when someone stares at the light and it makes a spot in there eye that makes them blind.they call it a blind spot because it makes you blind and it makes a spot in your eye.

Why can the spot on the retina that has no rods and cones be called the blind spot?

The blind spot on the retina lacks light-sensitive cells (rods and cones), causing it to be unable to detect light and form images. This creates an area where the brain doesn't receive visual information, making it a literal "blind spot" in our field of vision.

Which part of retina where image is not formed?

The blind spot or optic disc

In the Retina what physical structure results in a blind spot?

optic nerve

Do flies have a blind spot?

The site where the optic nerve adjoins the retina could be considered a blind spot, as the retina does not have the densely packed comes and rods at this location. We do not perceive this because igur brain melds the information from other parts of the retina as well as information from the other eye, effectively filling any 'blind spots.' So, for all practical purposes the blind spots aren't blind in the sense we generally associate with the notion of ' blind spot.' For example, the driver's side-view mirror has a blind spot that is really blind.

Why cant you see objects if it does not fall directly on the retina?

because it your blind spot

What is the small area of the retina where no image is formed?

Optic disc (blind spot)

What is the bind spot of the eye?

The blind spot is the location in the retina where all the nerves from the retina dive back down through the tissue layers to form the optic nerve.

Area of the retina that lacks rods and cones?

The retina is filled with rods and cones- except for one spot. This place that lack rods and cones is called the blind spot, which can be found by covering up one eye and looking at something with the other. Out of the corner of your uncovered eye, you will will see something disappear. We don't realize it on a daily basis because our brain fills in the empty spot. The blind spot is located near the optic nerve and is about 2mm wide.

What part of the retina where there are no light sensitive cells?

yellow spot or blind spot. it has no rod or cone photorecepter cells.