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In a twiggy and muddy circle called a nest

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10y ago

No, hawks do not carry their eggs.

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Q: Where does a hawk lay their eggs?
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How many eggs can a hawk have at once?

the red tailed hawk can lay up to 1-5 eggs that are white with brown spots

How long Red tailed hawk lay on their eggs?

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Do Hawk lay eggs?

Yes, of course. They're birds, and all birds lay eggs.

How many eggs does hawk lay?

Most species lay two, sometimes three.

How many eggs do red-tail hawks lay?

the red tailed hawk can lay up to 1-5 eggs that are white with brown spots

How many eggs will a female Harris hawk lay?

Usually just two.

Can a hawk have a baby?

Technically it isn't called a baby but it can lay eggs which a chick is inside of.

Can a hawk also be called a pullet?

No..A pullet is a young hen chicken, just beginning to lay eggs.

How many eggs do red tail hawks lay?

the red tailed hawk can lay up to 1-5 eggs that are white with brown spots

Do American crocodiles have live birth or lay eggs?

They lay eggs and heat it with covered grass

Would a hawk lay seven chicken sized eggs in the crook of my tree with no nesting materials present?

No. Hawks always provide deep nesting for their eggs and never in the crook of a tree that low to the ground. What you are probably observing is starling or grackle eggs. These birds like to lay eggs in the "nests" of other birds so the do not have to care for the eggs themselves.

How do eggs get from a cow to your refrigerator?

Cows do not lay eggs,Cows do not lay eggs,