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In the neck.

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Q: Where does a stoat bite to kill a rabbit?
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Would a stoat kill your cat?

A stoat could kill a cat if it is stronger than the cat. If a stoat has a disease and bites the cat or causes injury, it could kill the cat. Otherwise a cat will usually be able to defend itself from a stoat.

What are the native predators of the rabbit?

the native preditors of a rabbit can be a fox, hawk, owl, weasle or stoat

Why do dogs want to kill your pet rabbit?

Dogs are predators who has instinctive desire to chase,bite and kill preys and Rabbits are also their preys so probably the dog will definitely hunt the Rabbit

Do the rabbit dies if the ant will bite the rabbit?


Can a rabbit kill a mouse?

a rat can kill a rabbit a rat can kill a rabbit

What can rabbits bite?

It depends if it is a domesticated, vaccinated,Rabbit bit, no, unless the bite gets infected. If the rabbit was a wild rabbit yes you may be affected by rabies and other sicknesses that the rabbit might not be influenced by but you will be. If another rabbit bit your rabbit or so its better to be sure it wont get infected or if the wound doesn't heal your rabbit can be affected by flystrike Hope i could help

In Romeo and Juliet what does the insult rabbit sucker mean?

A rabbit-sucker is a weasel, a small rodent like a stoat which used for catching rabbits. So it is a bit like being called a rat

Why did your ferret bite your rabbit?

Ferrets are predatory carnivores. In the wild, polecats (from which ferrets were domesticated from) would hunt and kill rabbits, and this instinct is not something that can be bred out of the species.

Which hurts more a guinea pig bite or bunny bite?

i would say a bunny bite because i have a rabbit and several guineas they've all bitten me but the bite from the bunny hearts worse also my rabbit made me bleed.

What is the food chain of a stoat?

it is that a snake eats a stoat and a stoat eats a rats

How can the fox kill your rabbit?

Foxes can kill rabbits by scaring them to death, by stalking around outside the cage or hutch. Or, if the fox can actually get to the rabbit, it can kill the rabbit with its teeth.

How do you kill a rabbit using your penis?

You can only kill a rabbit using your penis if you try to have sex with it.