

Where does a unau live?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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11y ago

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Central and South America.

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Q: Where does a unau live?
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Urdu, unau

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The answer is unau (two-toe sloth)

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Another name of a two-toed sloth?

Bill? Or maybe Janice if it's a girl? Just kidding (obviously), the two-toed sloth is called the two-toed sloth, or in latin Xenarthra megalonychidae. It is called UNAU

What are some German animals that begin with the letter U?

Some German animals that begin with the letter u include the uakkri, a monkey, and the unau, a sloth. There is also an urus, an extinct ox.

What are words that begin and end with the letter U?

three (3) letter word: Utu. ulu. four (4) letter word: unau. Urdu. seven (7) letter word: umbundu.

What are some words that begin and end with the letter U?

three (3) letter word: Utu. ulu. four (4) letter word: unau. Urdu. seven (7) letter word: umbundu.

Name an animal beginning with the letter 'U' in French?

•Uakari •Umbrette •Unau •Ungulate •Upupa •Urchin •Urial •Uromastyx maliensis •Uromastyx spinipes •Urson •Urubu •Urus •Urutu •Urva •Uguisu •Ultrasaurus •Unagi •Upupa

What four letter word has an A with the third letter?

agar, beat, clap, dram, exam, feat, grab, hear, imam, Jean, koan, leap, meat, neat, opal, pear, quay, reap, seat, that, unau, veal, wear, x-ray, year, zeal

Which animals end with the letter U?

* Boutu (Amazon dolphin) * Caribou * Coypu (rodent) * Degu (rodent) * Emu * Gnu * Hapuku (fish) * Kagu * Kinkajou * Kudu (antelope) * Marabou (African stork) * Nandu * Unau - sloth * Urubu (king vulture) * Urutu (snake) * Whapuku (fish) * Zebu (a type of cattle)

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endue undee undue adze daze dean dene dune need nude unau unde adz and ane dan dee den due dun eau end nae nee zed zee ad ae an de ed en na ne nu un za