

Where does acid rain start to form?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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acid rain forms when pollution gets blown into water vapor which evaporates into the sky then falls :)

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Does Carbon dioxide CO2 form Carbonic acid H2CO3 as acid rain as well?

H2CO3 is a naturally occurring form of acid rain.

Can building corrode?

They corrode due to acid rain. Smoke from the factories dissolve in rain to form acid rain.

How does an acid rain form?

An acid rain forms due to both sulphuric and nitric acid making it acid rain. Acid rain damages buildings, metal structures, soils plants and animal life

Is acid rain pollution?

a form of it, yes

What does pollution in the air have to mix with to form acid rain?

Acid rain is any rain with a high elevation of hydrogen ions. Acid rain is caused with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide mix with the water molecules in the atmosphere that cause rain.

What form of pollution is sulfur dioxide?

Sulfur dioxide causes air pollution and acid rain by reacting with rain water to form sulfurous acid

Is there acetic acid in acid rain?

No. Acid rain is made form CO2, NO2 and SO2 gasses in the air mixing with water in the air to form Carbonic, Nitric and Sulfuric acids.

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What does Combining sulfuric oxides and nitrogen oxides with moisture in the air form?

acid precipatation

Why carbon monoxide do not make acid rain?

No. Even when CO dissolves in rain, it does not form any acid.

What is acid rain a result of?

The rain containing excess of acid is known as an acid rain. The rain becomes acidic because carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide (which are released into the air as pollutants) dissolve in rain drops to form carbonic acid, sulphuric acid and nitric acid respectively. Acid rain cause damage to buildings, historical monuments, plants and animals.

Short note on acid rain?

acid rain is a any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic. acid rain is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides