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sounds like another name for a vag so yea...

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Q: Where does angel's trumpet naturally grow?
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What is the name of a trumpet-shaped flower?

The Yellow Trumpet tree is a tree that has yellow trumpet shaped flowers. This tree can grow up to 25 feet high.

Do bugles naturally play higher than a trumpet?

no, bugles and Bb trumpets are the same. Bugles are just a little more compact then a Bb trumpet

In the book trumpet of the swan What unwise thing did applegate do?

In the book "Trumpet of the Swan," Applegate was unwise to steal a real trumpet for his son Louis to make up for his inability to trumpet naturally. This act of stealing led to many complications and challenges for Louis.

Who will blow the trumpet when it is time for the coming of christ?

The angels will blow the trumpets. It is there in the book of Mathew and Revelations.

What type of plants are radioactive and are poisonous?

olander pink flowers grapeflower too angels trumpet

Do you need two Trumpet Vines in order to get one to flower?

No, you can take a cutting from a trumpet vine, plant it, and it will grow and flower.

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What is a cultivated mediterranean plant with white trumpet shaped flowers called?

Either datura or Burgmansia but the two are often confused. In the Mediterranian plants that are Burgmansia species are often called datura. Common names include: Devils Trumpet and Angels Trumpet.

What is plant life that grows naturally in a place?

Indigenous plant life refers to plants that naturally grow in a specific region without human intervention. These plants have adapted to the local environmental conditions over time and play a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem's balance and biodiversity.

Can you let my bloodshot nail grow out naturally?

You can let it grow naturally. I dont wanna see your gammy nail thanks.

Does cannabis naturally?

grow? yes

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