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Asthma is located in the trachea/windpipe.

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12y ago

Asthma takes place in your lungs.

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Q: Where does asthma take place in your body?
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How does asthma effect the tissue in the human body?

Asthma only affects the breathing of the human body. Asthma is caused by the swelling of the airways. Asthma causes wheezing, a rise or inflammation of the chest, and shortness of breath.

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Chemical reactions take place in the body in what nutrient?

Chemical reactions in the body take place in water.

Where does asthma affect your body?

Your lungs...

How does asthma get into your body?

by smoke from pollution

Which part of the body is most affected by asthma?

Asthma affects the lungs.

Where in the body does cellular respiration take place?

it take place in your lung and when you breath..

What body part does asthma attack?

In your lungs

How does asthma affect body temperature?

To my knowledge, and after a quick browse through various medical pages and forums, I do not think Asthma will affect the body temperature (seldom, having an asthma attack might lower or raise your temperature as your body goes into "shock mode".) However, if anything, body temperature, I.E: lowering of the body temperature when sleeping or heightening of the temperature when exercising can be a trigger to asthma; but not the other way around.

What do you do when you have asthma?

when you have asthma you will have to use prescription medicines to help with your breathing, i personally take salbutamol.

What medicine can take for asthma?

Well, i'm pretty sure there isn't any medicine you take for asthma. When you have asthma, you need an inhalor so that when you have an asthma attack, you breathe in some of the air in your inhalor and that air opens up your lungs again.

How Asthma affects the body?

Asthma affects the body because it makes it hard to breath. Your airways begin to swell up and it blocks the air going in and out of the lungs. Without air your body can not function.