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he said that god was angry at them at he caused the plague

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Q: Where does boccaccio think the plague came from?
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Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron a collection of 100 stories organized around a group of people fleeing the bubonic plague is what?

the first novella

How did common people of he middle ages feel about the bubonic plague?

The plague was extremely fast-acting in presenting symptoms and then dying from them. The Italian writer Boccaccio said its victims often "ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors in paradise." Because no one understood how the plague was passed from person to person or from animal to person, people came to believe that the plague was divine retribution from God. For that reason, heretics, Jews and others were massacred in an effort to rid themselves of the disease.

In the fourteenth century the bubonic plague began where?

Actually, it came from China to India and then down to Europe. Many historians think it came through Italian ports.

Who was responsible for the spread of the plague?

Mongols were responsible for it. Plague came along with their armies.

Did Venice know where the bubonic plague came from?

it came from the east

Why do you think Jewish pogroms and the Flagellant Movement arose during the Black Death in Europe?

The Jewish population was blamed for the plague, but the plague came in on ships from Asia. The rats carried the fleas that had the disease.

When did Salvatore Boccaccio die?

Salvatore Boccaccio died in 2008.

When was Salvatore Boccaccio born?

Salvatore Boccaccio was born in 1938.

What bad outcomes came from the plague?


Where do plagues come from?

rats, mostly black rats and rodents. the fleas came on them and then sucked there blood then go to humans and spread the plagueto others and the plague is very contagious so it spread and thats where the black plague came from! hope that answered your question:D :)

Where did the plague begin and how was the plague spread from place to place?

It came on ships that had rats with fleas from Asia. Asia was the first place to experience the plague and it came through Italy from ships at ports. The world in this time was a dirty place so rats and fleas were everywhere. People didn't take baths or wash clothing so they came into contact with the fleas that carried the plague.

What good came out of the black plague in 1665?

because aliens attacked earth but they caught the black plague and died