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He never really did find his father, just his grandfather

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Q: Where does bud find his father in Bud Not Buddy?
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Does Bud find his father in Bud Not Buddy?

No he doesn't find his father he finds his grandfather instead.

Who is Bud's dad in the book 'Bud Not Buddy'?

In the book 'Bud, Not Buddy', Bud does not meet his father directly, but he believes his father is Herman E. Calloway, a famous jazz musician. Bud sets out on a journey to find him, hoping to find a place where he belongs.

What is the problem of Buddy in Bud Not Buddy?

There were multiple conflicts in Bud, Not Buddy. The main one was that Bud wanted to find the man he believed was his father: Herman E. Calloway.

In Bud not buddy who did bud sit with at the sweet pea restaurant?

In "Bud, Not Buddy," Bud sat with Bugs at the Sweet Pea Restaurant. Bugs was a member of the band that Bud was trying to find, as he believed that the band had a connection to his father.

What is buds new name in bud not buddy?

In the book "Bud, Not Buddy" by Christopher Paul Curtis, Bud's new name is "Bud Caldwell." He chooses this name for himself as he searches for his father and strives to find his place in the world.

How does buds dad feel about bud when he returns in Bud Not Buddy?

Bud doesn't have a father he thought he did

What did Bud image the man to be in Bud Not Buddy?

he imaged that herman e calloway was his father but he was actually bud's grand father

In Bud Not Buddy where does bud live?

He is mostly Outside trying to survive and find a place to stay while looking for his father.

Does bud find his dad at the end of Bud Not Buddy?


Why does bud walk from flint to grand rapids in the book Bud Not Buddy?

Bud walks from Flint to Grand Rapids in the book "Bud, Not Buddy" because he is determined to find and reunite with his missing father. He believes that Grand Rapids is where his father lives and decides to go there in search of him, despite the challenges and dangers he faces along the way. Bud's journey is driven by his hope and determination to find his family.

What is Bud's greatest fear in Bud Not Buddy?

That Herman e Calloway isn't his father

Who is Bud Not Buddy's father?

the story does not tell but bud thinks it is Herman E. Calloway