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Q: Where does chyme enter the large intestine through?
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What absorbs excess water from chyme?

Chyme is formed into feces after the digestion process is completed in the large intestine, where with the help of bacteria, the remaining starches and proteins that were not broken down are handled. After most of the water and remaining nutrients are extracted, the chyme is now semi-solid feces.

Do a frog's large intestine obsorb chyme?

its fat

Where does food go after it leaves the stomach?

Food that leaves the stomach is called chyme. The chyme passes through a short passage called a duodenum. The duodenum releases enzymes which help digest the chyme before it passes into the small intestine. The small intestine absorbs the nutrients into the blood stream, and then passes digested chyme into the large intestine. The large intestine re-absorbs the water that was mixed into the chyme in the stomach, duodenum, and small intestine. The large intesting then compacts the undigested material into the stool, which passes into the descending colon. . When sufficient stool collects in the colon, it passes into the rectum. When stool collects the rectum, you develop an urge to defecate, which is the expulsion of the stool from rectum out the anus.

Why does chyme stay in the large intestine for 3 days?

Because it

What organ converts chyme into feces in the digestive system?

The large intestine, it absorbs all water, salt, minerals, and vitamins once it passes from the end of the small intestine (illeum) into the large intestine (colon) through the Ileocecal valve

Aborbs excess water from chyme?

When all of the nutrients have been absorbed from the chyme, it enters the large intestine where the water is absorbed from it.

Do digested food enter from your blood stream after it moves through the large intestine?

Yes, It does. When the food reaches the point that it is in the bloodstream, It goes through the large intestine.

Blockage of the ileocecal valve would prevent?

Chyme from entering the colon (Large intestine).

Materials enter the large intestine through the what?

The first part of the large intestine is called the cecum which is continuous with the ascending colon.

What remains in the small intestine after all the nutrients have passed through its walls?

All the broken down foods that are too large to pass through the walls of the small intestine enter the large intestine, then in the large intestine the food is all pushed down removing any waters and then it finally comes out the anus. (:

What remains in the small intestine after all the nutrients have passes through its walls?

All the broken down foods that are too large to pass through the walls of the small intestine enter the large intestine, then in the large intestine the food is all pushed down removing any waters and then it finally comes out the anus. (:

What is the passage way from the small intestine to the large intestine?

The small intestine has three parts -- duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The ileum, being the last part of the small intestine, is the section that empties chyme into the beginning of the large intestine, which is the cecum. Chyme is released from the ileum through the ileocecal valve, a sphincter muscle, and into the cecum. I suggest you look at online or textbook illustrations of the gastrointestinal tract to see what this looks like.