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it occurs at the epiphyseal plate

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Q: Where does elongation of bone occurs?
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What promotes bone dismantling prior to bone elongation?

Vitamin A

What is the correct sequence of processes that occur during bone elongation at the epiphyseal plate?

calcification, resting, proliferation, hypertrophication

What is the significance of the elongation of chromatin materials during cell division?

Replication occurs in the process of elongation. In replicant, it is essential to ensure that each daughter cell receives the exact genetic material of its parent cell. -- Corina Zia

What are the phases of transcription?

Initiation - Polymerase III, binds and unwinds DNA, transcription begins. Elongation - Base pairng occurs polymerase I, binds the new strands of mRNA. Termination - New mRNA released.

Internodal elongation is stimulated by?

Internodal elongation is stimulated by

What processes use RNA?

There are three stages where RNA transcription occurs. They are initiation, chain elongation, and termination. All are very important in the cell.

What is the relationship between engineering strain and percent elongation?

strain is percent elongation/100; for example a strain of 0.02 is 2% elongation. Often we refer to elongation at failure; for example if a material fails at 10% elongation its strain is 0.10

What fracture occurs when a bone breaks under normal strain?

A pathologic fracture occurs when a weakened bone breaks under normal strain.

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What is the importance of elongation of a material?

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Where does crista galli occurs on?

The ethmoid bone

The site where hematopoiesis occurs is the?

Hematopoiesis occurs in the red bone marrow. This bone marrow is found at the ends of long bones. It is also found in the sternum.