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Q: Where does energy come from when is released in a chemical reaction?
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Is electricity a chemical or an energy?

Electricity is Energy. But this energy can come from a chemical reaction as in batteries, normal and rechargeable.

When a match is struck and a flame is ignited where does the energy from the fire come from and where does it go?

Burning is an exothermic chemical reaction; heat is released in the atmosphere.

When the kerosene gets burnt energy is released from it where does that energy come from?

You are talking about a chemical reaction here. Which is: Kerosene + Oxygen gas ----> Carbon Dioxide + Water This is an example of an exothermic reaction. Energy is stored in chemical bonds. When heat is provided to a Kerosene. It absorbs energy and its bonds break. Since Kerosene becomes cool, its absorbs energy from the surroundings. As a consequence, the surroundings heats up.

Light and heat energy are being released from the fire where is the energy come from?

Energy is released from the chemical bonds in the substance that's burning.

What are substance that come out of a chemical reaction?

the substances that come out of achemical reaction are called product

When atoms combine with or break apart from other atoms a what occurs?

When new bonds are formed between atoms, energy is released and this process is known as exothermic process. Similarly when old bonds break, energy from the surrounding is absorbed and is known as endothermic process.

When an atom undergoes radioactive decay the energy released in the reaction comes from what?

The energy that comes from the radioactive decay of an atom can come from the electrons and can come from the strong force inside the nucleus.

Why do reactants in a chemical reaction weigh exactly the same as different products at the end of a reaction?

Energy may only be transformed from one sort to another. Mass is a form of Energy and as such, must be, and is, conserved. It is 'of no surprise' then, that the number of atoms that enter a chemical reaction is equal to the number of atoms that exist after the reaction has been completed.

What kind of energy does a battery come from?

Chemical energy.

Which form of energy is released or absorbed in most chemical reactions?

If there is any type of energy given offduring a chemical reaction, it is most likely to be heat or light. However, heat and light often come together, and there are more reactions known to give heat without light than the other way around. Thus, I would go for heat then. (simply put)

Where does the heat energy and light energy of a candle come from?

It comes from the Chemical Energy.

What does the energy come from that enables you to breathe and think?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say food.