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1d ago

Fertile soil attracts people to areas where agriculture is viable and productive. Farmers are drawn to fertile soil for its ability to support a variety of crops and enable successful harvests. This can lead to the establishment of thriving agricultural communities and economies in regions with fertile soil.

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Q: Where does fertile soil attract people to?
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What attracted people to the fertile cresent?

It had fertile soil.

What effected people to the fertile crescent?

to rich soil

When can you say that the soil is fertile?

it can soil that the soilis fertile

How was fertile soil for crops helpful for the egyptians?

Fertile soil enables you to grow good and plentiful crops. This was good for the people eating the food produced.

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Lack of fertile soil is when an area doesn't have enough fertile soil (soil that can grow plants) to grow plants.

Did people farm in colonial Connecticut?

ye, the there was fertile soil.

Is fertile soil a proper noun?

No, "fertile soil" is a common noun because it refers to a general type of soil that is capable of supporting plant growth. Proper nouns typically refer to specific names of people, places, or things.

Is Missouri's soil fertile?

Yes, Missouri's soil is fertile

Which biome is likely to have fertile soil?

The grasslands are likely to have fertile soil. The temperate deciduous forest also has fertile soil.

Which layer of soil contains the most fertile soil?

Silty Soil contains the most fertile soil

Why is prairie soil fertile?

The soil is fertile because the chemicals are forming

How does a rotting pumpkin benefit people?

The pumpkin decomposes, forming new and fertile soil. The fertile soil will grow out pumpkins from the seeds, so we have even more crops.