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It goes into your rectum so that it can be passed out your anus as waste...As in a bowel movement (Poo)!!

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Q: Where does food go after passing through the large intestine?
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Related questions

If the food passing in stomach does the food go first in large intestine or in small intestine?

The order is as follows: Stomach, small intestine, large intestine.

Where the food go after passing the small intestines?

The large intestine.

What intestine does the food not pass through?

The large intestine

Is large intestine is contains bacteria that feed on material passing through?

yes, there is a small worm like bacteria in you large intestine that helps eat all the food passing through so it is easier for you to digest. Sometimes the worm does not do its job right so you may have to get it removed in a painful procedure.

Does the food go through the small intestine first or the large intestine first?

Partially digested food enters and passes through the Small Intestine before it goes to the Large.

What moves food through to your stomach?

your large intestine and small intestine

What is the correct order for food passing through the system?

Which one of the following correctly represents the order in which food coming into the body passes through the structures of the digestive system? Food moves from the mouth to the pharynx, then on to the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, and finally the large intestine.

Do digested food enter from your blood stream after it moves through the large intestine?

Yes, It does. When the food reaches the point that it is in the bloodstream, It goes through the large intestine.

What happens after food has traveled through the small intestine?

it enters the large intestine

What travels through the large intestine?

Food I think.

What is after the small intestine?

When the food reaches the small intestine the nutrients are absorbed into the blood through the intestine wall and then the food that was not digested goes to the large intestines where water is absorbed then it is excreted

What is the role of the digestive system and where does digestion start be thorough in your explanation?

the digestive system digests your food,and sends the waste down through your anus.the digestion starts by passing through the food pipe , going in the large intestine,then the small intestine,and finally the waste comes out through the anus. thank u!