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from the Earth's core

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Q: Where does geothermal energy system draw hot water or steam from?
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Geothermal runs on what energy?

Geothermal energy uses the heat of the Earth to turn water to steam.

What are geothermal energy's waste by products?

Water.. lots of water from steam.

What are the waste by-products of geothermal energy?

Water.. lots of water from steam.

Where geothermal energy is located?

Geothermal energy is the use of the Earth's heat to turn water to steam, which turns a turbine.

A short answer to why is geothermal a renewable resource?

Geothermal energy is renewable because it is using heat for the earths "core" and water (turned to steam by the heat) to power steam turbines. Both the heat and water are renewable resources thus geothermal energy is renewable.

Is steam energy the same as geothermal energy?

No, steam energy is produced whenever water is heated, and this can be by burning anything, as well as using heat from under the ground. Geothermal energy is specifically the heat from under the ground, which can be turned into steam to generate electricity.

Where do you get geothermal energy?

You can get it in geysers and mostly geothermal power plants. Geothermal energy makes use of the heat of the Earth to heat water, make steam, and turn a turbine.

Is geothermal energy pollutional?

Geothermal energy uses the heat of the Earth to boil water to steam and convert the steam to electricity and/or heating. No fuel means no emissions. No emissions means no pollution.

What is heat from the earth called?

Geothermal. it is called geothermal. Geothermal thermal energy is what you get when water is pumped through pipes deep under the crust and the water is heated creating steam that travels up the pipe and then is transformed into geothermal heat and energy.

How is geothermal energy stored for later use?

Geothermal energy can be stored in batteries, like all other electrical energy. There is no reason why geothermal energy has to be stored, as it can be produced round the clock, unlike wind and solar.A:The energy is stored in the form of dry steam which is water vapor with out water droplets, wet steam which is a mixture of water vapor and water droplets, and hot water trapped in fractured or porous rock.

What type of energy can be produced when heat from inside of the earth is used?

The energy produced by heat within the earth's crust is called geothermal energy.

How is geothermal energy made into energy?

Power plants produce geothermal energy by utilizing geothermal dry steam or geothermal hot water accessed by digging wells. Dry steam or hot water is brought to the surface through pipes and processed into electricity in the power plant.

There are three different ways that power plants process geothermal energy. The three different methods are dry steam, flash steam and binary-cycle. All three methods use steam to power a turbine which drives a generator that produces electricity.

• Dry steam geothermal power plants use steam that is brought from below the earth's surface through pipes, directly to the power plant's turbines.

• Flash steam geothermal power plants use hot water that is brought from below the earth's surface. The hot water is sprayed into a tank and creates steam.

• Binary-cycle geothermal plants use moderate temperature water from a geothermal source and combine it with another chemical to create steam. The steam powers the turbine that drives the generator to create electricity.
Geothermal energy has other uses besides the production of electricity in power plants.Geothermal sources of hot water can be used to heat buildings. Hot water is pumped through pipes located in the building walls to heat the building.Geothermal hot water can also be used as a household hot water source.Geothermal hot water does not need to be heated and is therefore a clean and cheap source of hot water.