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Most of the energy released in cell respiration is recycled. Some of it gets used for other functions, other parts get used to create more ATP to generate more energy.

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Anaerobic respiration is not as efficient as aerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration leaves a lot of energy in the ethanol or lactate molecules that the cells cannot use and must excrete.

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Q: Where does majority of the energy is stored in anaerobic respiration?
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thats the use of mitochondria . it brakes down food molecules into energy in the process of anaerobic respiration or anaerobic respiration

In anaerobic respiration what happens to most of the energy stored in the glucose?

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The energy stored from organic compounds is released by any organism that participates in cellular respiration. This process will be either fragmentation or oxidization

What store's energy that is released in respiration come from?

Respiration releases energy for use in life processes. There are two types of respiration, aerobic (uses oxygen) and anaerobic (does not use oxygen). Respiration can produce useful products that have uses in a range of industries.

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It really depends on if its aerobic(with oxygen) or anaerobic(without oxygen) respiration. In aerobic respiration carbon dioxide, water and energy are made In anaerobic respiration lactic acid and energy are made.

The energy-producing or energy-storing molecule is called?

They are totally different things. Energy producing is either ATP synthase, methods for anaerobic respiration, or the Calvin Cycle (in plants). Energy is stored in muscles and in fat cells in the body.

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if u mean "celular respiration", then the answer probably is - chemical energy to heat energy....

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Most carbon enters the web of life through a chemosynthesis b aerobic respiration c anaerobic respiration d photosynthesis e both chemosynthesis and aerobic respiration?

the ability to manufacture food using the energy stored in inorganic molecule's. WRONG ANSWER.....! Its B

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