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Q: Where does motor impulse travel through spinal cord?
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Where does the nerve impulse travel from the reflex arc?

The nerve impulse travels through the reflex arc. It travels from the sensor through the sensory neurone, through the spinal cord and motor neurone to the effector muscle.

Is the impulse transmission for the spinal nerve sensory or motor?


How are signals sent through nerves to the rest of the body?

First stimulus received through the senses, Sense changed stimulus to an impulse than a sensory nerve capture the impulse, conducts the impulse to the spinal cord than the brain stem to the brain, then from the brain to the brain stem through the spinal cord to a motor nerve to a muscle or gland

What is the path that nervous impulse takes through the nervous system?

sensory neurone --> enters spinal cord --> relay neurone --> brain(is not a reflex action) or motor neurone(if action is reflex)

What is the name of a neuron that transmits a neural impulse from the central nervous system through the spinal cord to a muscle?

The neuron that transmits a signal from the nervous system to an effector is a motor neuron.

What type of Impulse thravels through the anterior gray horn?


How does the four major elements of a simple nervous pathway function during pain withdrawal reflex?

During a pain withdrawal reflex impulses are sent through different nerves and to the spinal cord. This reflex does not make it to the brain but only to the spinal cord. We call this involuntary action because we dont control reflexes. The sensory neurons are the first to recieve the impulse, then they travel to the interneurons, or associative neurons, and then they go to the motor neurons which carries the impulse to the central nervous system. Then the effector is the response, so in this case your musscle will contract.

What is an example of integration by the nervous system?

Example: when you step on a nail, your body perceives a stimulus (change in external or internal environment) receptor is the specific thing identifying stimulus, in this case, the skin, then a nervous impulse is generated and is transmitted through a chain of neurons towards central nervous system, sent to the brain where the impulse is interpreted (integration) by the brain, brain will send off new impulse via motor neurons through spinal cord through nerve to muscle to carry out response.

What is the direction of impulse for motor neurons?

The direction of impulse for motor neurons is away from the brain.

How The Nervous System Functions In This Reflex Action?

Firstly your receptor cells pick up a stimuli and sends an electrical impulse along the sensory neurone's axon to the spinal cord.the impulse is then passed onto the relay neurons IN the CNS(the spinal cord decides what to do but the brain is also informed). The relay neurone then passes the command from the spinal cord in the form if an impulse to the motor neurone.the impulse travels along its axon to the effector. Hope it helps P.S. •relay neurones exist only within the CNS and not outside it. •reflex arcs take the shortest possible route

Path way of the message to the nervous system?

The stimuli will be picked up by the sensory neurons then nerve impulses travel to your spinal cord. Those nerve impulses return to motor neurons that will react (like you pull your hand away, or you yell) as you react the nerve impulses travel to your brain.

What is the pathway of an impulse in a reflex arc?

Sensory receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, and muscle.