

Where does runoff occur?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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mountain ranges

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Q: Where does runoff occur?
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What does a runoff primary occur?

When the candidates tie

What are the 4 type of weather events that can occur on the prairie?

evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff

Describe one surface condition that would allow runoff to occur?

Rain storm

What would happen to the oceans if surface runoff and groundwater flow did not occur?

the oceans would become smaller

How runoff effects a lake?

Heavy runoff from pollutants can affect lakes and rivers water quality.

When does a runoff occur?

When none of the candidates have a clear majority, the top two vote getters are in a runoff. The requirements for a runoff election vary from state to state and often depend upon the office in question. Most offices do not require a majority (50% + 1) for a candidate to win, however, but simply require a plurality.

What is snowmelt runoff?

Runoff is water that flows over the ground surface. Snowmelt runoff is runoff from melting snow.

Glacial runoff and what else provides water to the large rivers of India?

Runoff from rain and runoff from melting snow (which is NOT the same as glacial runoff).

What are the two types of runoff?

Surface runoff and Subsurface runoff. Basically, above ground and below ground

Use runoff in a sentence?

New construction allowed runoff from hillsides which flooded basements in nearby homes.Runoff naturally seeks a path of least resistance.Continual runoff can undermine hills, leading to mudslides and ground failures.

What is construction runoff?

runoff caused by construction working

Does the causes of acid rain include runoff from cars?

acid rain comes from chemicals in the clouds, not runoff there is no "car runoff" runoff is from the slanted ground into water bodies