

Where does slab pull take place?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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In the mantle and asthenosphere.

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Q: Where does slab pull take place?
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What is the difference between ridge push and slab pull?

Ridge push is a gravitation force that causes a plate to move away from the crest of an ocean ridge, and into a subduction zone. The Slab pull force is a tectonic plate force due to subduction. The difference is the force of motion.

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Slab pull occurs when two plates stick together.

What does the scientific term Slab pull mean?

Slab pull means the movement of tectonic plates due to currents in the mid-mantle, this causes subduction.

How do continental plates move?

All of Earth's plates move because of convection in the asthenosphere, and slab push and pull in the lithosphere. Slab pull causes the lithosphere to slide beneath another plate into the asthenosphere, while slab push helps the slab move away from the ridge toward the slab pull.

What is the process called when gravity starts to pull tectonic plates into the asthenosphere?

Slab Pull.

When gravity starts to pull tectonic plates into the asthenosphere the process is called what?

Slab Pull.

When gravity starts to pull tectonic plates into the asthenosphere what is the process called?

Slab Pull.