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In my Karate school the American flag goes on our right shoulder.

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Q: Where does the American flag go on the karate gi?
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How much does the uniform cost for GKR karate?

Karate Uniforms (Gi's) For Gkr Karate are $50 each and come with a belt (White Belt) And Club Logo. Just ask your Sensei or the person that marks your card when you go to your local dojo

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The obi is normally sized based on the gi size. If you wear a size 3 gi, you would want a size 3 obi. I tend to go a bit longer if I can.

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Why is there an american flag?

Because that is our nations sign that we are america...There is alot more to it then just that... so go to google and search it there.... All countries have a flag. Continents do not. There isn't just one American flag

Clothes worn in karate?

The uniform varies from style to style and school and school. The uniform is called a gi in Japanese styles. I believe it is a tobuk in Korean styles. Beginners wear a white uniform with a belt from white to brown (in kenpo karate). and Masters wear a black uniform and the belt they have earned. In my style of Okinawa Karate, white is the only color allowed for anyone.

When does karate start?

well it depents on what karate you go to

Is it not disrespectful to use colorful GIs instead of the white traditional karate ones?

I don't think it is DISRESPECTFUL in karate to wear coloured ones, but in most Karate styles I reccommend wearing the traditional white (unless the style or class says otherwise). In my style of karate,(GO KAN RYU- on the internet you can search this style)it is compulsory for a white gi to be worn. I think you have come up with a great question! From me, 10yr old black belt karate enthusiast. (yes you read correctly)

What is the answer to the hidden meanings brain teaser with GI CCCCC?

GI----CCCCCCGI overseas.(FYI: GI stands for Government Issue.)

Do people like the american flag?

it depends who you are so go cry to your mommy that you dont no

When did the American flag patch go onto soldiers arms backwards?

"Forward deployed"

Did American astronauts go on the moon?

Yes, they went to the moon some time ago and put the American flag on the moon.

What side does the stars go on when hanging the American flag diagonally?

When looking at the vertically hung flag, the stars should be on the top left.