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A:Acts chapter 8 verses 1-24 is the passage that talks about Peter refusing to take money to teach a miracle he performed, and is the origin of the word 'simony' for the purchase or sale of ecclesiastical privileges. The passage tells the story of Simon, who is described as a prominent preacher of witchcraft before he was baptised. He then offered Peter money if he would give him the power to heal the sick and give the Holy Spirit, an offer that Peter spiritedly refused.

Hans Joachim Schoeps (Das Judenchristentum) says that Acts is a retrospective view of Christian origins written by the winners, cultivating the creation of legends and reshaping persons and events according to its own standards. There is a suggestion in this passage of rivalry between the otherwise unknown Simon and the supposed predecessors of the author of Acts of the Apostles. As suggested more generally by Schoeps, the real meaning could be that Simon was the leader of one of the various Christian movements known to have existed in the middle of the first century, and that the author of Acts is rewriting history to darken Simon's name and ensure that Christians did not follow his teachings.

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Q: Where does the Bible talk about Peter refusing to take money for a miracle he performed?
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