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Q: Where does the Taoism symbol came from?
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What is the daoism symbol?

The Yin Yang symbol represents daoism/ taoism

Is the taoism symbol a geometric shape?

only if that is the will of Tao xD

What religion has the yin yang symbol?

The yin yang symbol is most commonly associated with Taoism, a Chinese philosophy and religion that focuses on the balance and harmony of opposites in the universe.

What are some characteristics of Taoism?

Taoism is an ancient Chinese religion based on the balance of the Universe. Some of the characteristics of Taoism are the Yin and Yang symbol which represents this balance and the quest to achieve enlightenment.

What philosophy uses the ying-yang as its symbol?

The philosophy that uses the yin-yang symbol is Taoism. Yin represents the passive, dark, and feminine principles, while yang represents the active, bright, and masculine principles. Taoism emphasizes the balance and harmony between these opposing forces in nature and within ourselves.

What early religion did taoism came from?

Taoism is believed to have evolved from the animist beliefs of ancient China, along with some Buddhist influences.

How did taoism came about?

Taoism started as a combination of psychology and philosophy, but eventually evolved into a religious faith. The Tao is the natural order of things.

What country did taoism came from?

Type your answer here.Taoism came from India. Lao Tsu was Sithar Bogar came from south India. He travelled to china in 5th century BC and spread taoism. He told all his china experience in his book Bogar7000.

What is the symbol of China?

China's official national animal is the crane. Its national emblems are the Chinese dragon and Giant Panda.

What is the symbol of Taoism and what does it mean?

The taoism symbol is a black and white symbol of the 2 moving in a circle around with each other, with a little bit of each color on its own inside the other. Black and white represent yin and yang (good and evil), and the pattern shows that they are in balance with each other. Trace amounts of them are found within each other, showing that no matter how good something is, it has some evil in it, and vice-versa.

What does yin and yang have to do with Taoism?

Ones fate is under the power of the balance or imbalance of 2 forces yin, which is negative, dark and feminine and yang, which is positive, bright and masculine. Yin and Yang is the main symbol of Taoism. Yin and Yang is about balance and harmony(:

Where is Taoism's in the world?

Taoism is practiced in China.