

Where does the US stand in the world for homelessness?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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It doesnt because people in america are mean people!!

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Q: Where does the US stand in the world for homelessness?
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Do people want to legalize homelessness?

Homelessness is legal in the US. There is no law against not having a place to live.

How many morphemes does the word homelessness have?

Homelessness has two morphemes in the word because home can stand by itself, however, lessness is what causes theword home to be a morpheme

In a Truly and Just World would there be homelessness?

No. In a True and Just world there would be no homelessness, or poverty for that matter. Everyone would have a nice home and plenty to eat and have medical care. Which sadly, this isn't a truly and just world.

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This stand for United Starship in the fictional world of Star Trek.

Where is homelessness most common?

Homelessness is most common in urban areas, particularly in large cities with high housing costs and income inequality. Factors such as lack of affordable housing, poverty, mental health issues, and substance abuse can contribute to homelessness in these areas.

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Rosa Parks di not change the world. She made a stand againts the wrongs perpitrated by the US on some US citizens.

When was Exposing Homelessness created?

Exposing Homelessness was created in 2006.

What is the duration of Exposing Homelessness?

The duration of Exposing Homelessness is 1200.0 seconds.

What are the ratings and certificates for Homelessness?

Homelessness - ???? is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG

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How many children die each minute from poverty in the US?

Around 5,000 children die in the US due to homelessness, no water, no food.