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In the case of multi-cellular organisms such as human beings, cells receive food by way of the blood, which carries nutrients to them, which they then absorb through their cell membranes.

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13y ago

The digestive system breaks it down so that it can move into either the blood stream or lymphatic system then to the blood stream, once in the blood stream it travels through the body until some cell needs it and absorbs it through the cellular membrane.

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12y ago

By simply breaking down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in food.

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Q: How do the cells receive the nutrients from food?
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The blood plasma contains the red blood cells which carries the food nutrients and oxygen to all the cells.

Do cells obtain from nutrients in food?

Yes, they do

Body cells receive oxygen and nutrients from food delivered by?

Blood does. It carries oxygen from the lungs with which you breath fresh air in. Then blood goes to the heart and is sent to the whole body with oxygen! Oxygen support the cells', and the body's life!

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All plant cells contain some nutrients, however, the cells of the seed, fruit and root tend to be used for food storage. The nutrients are transported around the plant by phloem cells in the vasculature.

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Cells get energy by taking in nutrients from food.

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How do the cells receive the things they need?

Cells receive nutrients from the blood, in the case of fauna, or sap in the case of flora. Nutrients are in high concentration in the blood or sap and as it passes the cells the nutrients will move from the blood, to where they are in low concentration, to the cell, assuming one has the omega 3--which is absent from CAFO protein--in their diet necessary for healthy cell walls.

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How does the digested food reach the body cells?

Nutrients are carried by the blood.

What food you eat must be broken down by this system into nutrients your body cells can use?

The digestive system breaks food down into useful nutrients.