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The question is imfathonable because the sun cannot leave the corona the corona is the center of the sun so the sun therefore cannot leave the sun.

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Q: Where does the energy go when the sun leaves the corona?
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What is the purpose of sun leaves on plant?

The leaves help go through photosynthesis, which in turn makes energy for the plant. Your welcome!

Where do the plants get energy?

The Sun - chlorophyll in plants leaves absorbs light energy from the sun, this energy is then used to make food:Carbon dioxide + water (+ light energy) ------> Glucose + Oxygen

Where does the energy go once it leaves the suns corona?

The suns energy is created in its core via hydrogen fusion, where hydrogen is heated beyond 10 million degree's. This energy then passes through several sun layers such as the radiative zone and convection zone.Energy is carried from the sun as photons making up light and as the electromagnetic spectrum (visable light, xray, gamma rays, Ultra violet. As we view the stars billions of miles from our planet, as is our sun visable from those stars perspectives, The photons and the spectrum carry on into deep space.

What role does the sun play in photosynthesis?

energy plays a big role , Light energy reaches the leaves , then makes it into like Chemical energy i think . then if this plant happens to be a vegtable or a fruit , then the energy will go to you and transformed to mechanical energy .

How are prominences solar flares corona solar wind are related to the sun?

sun prominences are like loops that come out of the sun if you look it up you'll probly find pictures. solar flares are like prominences but they dont make a loop they just go straight out. the corona is the outer most layer of the sun.

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Kristen Corona goes by Corona.

What would happen if all of the leaves were removed from a plant system?

Since leaves are used to collect energy from the sun, to be able to go through photosynthesis, the plant would be very unhealthy and will grow at a very slow rate if the leaves are removed.

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Because the sun, Earth, and the moon line up in a strait path with the Earth in between. The corona is the earth's shadow on the moon.

How does the sun get energy and where does it come from?

The sun is made of lots of gases that will never go out and that is what gives it it's energy

Where do the remaining colors of light go after reaching the trees from the sun?

A tree's leaves reflect green light (which is why they appear green to us) and absorb the rest, this is the energy they use for photosynthesis.

What is the energy for the photosynthesis to go inside the chloroplasts?

It Is sun light. pigments absorb sun light.

What nicknames does Sajen Corona go by?

Sajen Corona goes by Irexican.