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Your heart is located in your chest . And always will be . ( If you put your hand on your chest and hold your breath , you can feel your heart pumping . )

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12y ago

Your heart is located between your lungs in the middle of your chest, behind and slightly to the left of your breastbone. It is also surrounded by a membrane called the pericardia

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Q: Where does the heart stay in your body?
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How long can a heart stay alive outside the body?

You can't live without a heart.

Why do humans need a heart to stay alive?

It is because the heart pumps the blood, which helps the blood bring nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body and carbon dioxide out of the body.

Does the heart stay healthy?

no. you can get heart disease

Where can I find information about cardiovascular disease?

Heart disease is unfortunate. You need to take care of your body and your heart to stay healthy. Find more details here.

What can I do to reduce my risk of a heart attack?

well there are many ways to avoid heart attacks. You HAVE to exercise daily to stay in shape and maintain your body, physically and mentally. Also, smoking increases the chances of having a heart attack TREMENDOUSLY.

Will you stay heart broken forever?

no, you won't stay heart broken only if the preson heart broken too that means that you two are meant to be.

What effects does the heart have on the organs?

It pulls the blood to every organ in our body , transporting the nutrients , the oxygen , and everything our body needs to stay alive , so it's effect is simple : To keep your body alive and working!

What organ pumps through the body?

the heart pumps through the through the body

What does the heart do in your body?

The heart pumps the blood through your body.

Do you die with your heart in your body?

unless you die because your heart got ripped out of your body then yes you do die with your heart in your body

Why is running healthy?

Running is healthy because it keeps us to get moving so our body will stay fit and it's also very good for our heart

Why is the heart useful?

your heart keeps on pumping and pumping blood all aroung your body. in the blood, there are nutrients which help you stay alive. your heart helps your lungs which takes in air for you to breathe. your blood also takes waste away that your body no longer needs.