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The squid sucks up water a tube called the siphon, then shoots it out to provide locomotion by jet propulsion.

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Q: Where does the jet of water come from a giant squid?
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Related questions

What is the function of water jet of a squid?

The function of the water jet is to move the squid from left to right for example if the squid shots water left it will move to the right and vice versa

Does a squid swim head first?

Yes, squid swim head first. They have a water jet and if the water jet shoots out water, it'll propel the squid, head first, throughout the water.

How do giant squids move by jet propulsion?

This is a very good question. Squids move through the water at high speeds using a jet propulsion-like organ called a "siphon". What the siphon does is take in water and thrust it out, much like a jet engine. The end result is the jet-like streamline of a squid.

Is a Architeuthis dux motile or sessile?

The giant squid (Architeuthis dux) is motile; they move themselves by a mechanism similar to jet propulsion. Sessile animals do not have brains, but the squid does.

Do squid use a form of jet propulsion for locomotion?

The squid has a muscular mantle (outer covering) which, when expanded, fills with water. When these muscles contract, water is expelled through a single siphon and the squid is propelled in the opposite direction. The squid can control its direction by rotating (moving) the siphon.

What force is it when a squid expels water out its back end?

The opposite direction of the water it moved.

Which part of a squid shoots out a jet of water to propel it forw ard?


How does waste exit a squid?

Waste exits a squid by being transported through the anus and out of the siphon.

What is the colossal squid's locomotion?

Squid move by jet propulsion, using its lips to suck water in then squirts it out its bottom.

What does a stellate ganglion do for a squid?

"It is a compacted cluster of neurons that innervates the muscles of the mantle through the giant nerve fiber system and controls the jet-propelled escape response of the squid." (Burbauch et al. 2001)

How a squid and other cephalopods can move so rapidly.?

They take in water and shoot it out behind them like a jet.

Is a squid a invertabrate?

Squid are phylum mollusca. They are marine cephalopods and are part of the invertebrate family. Ocean dwelling mollusks move or swim by jet propulsion. They propel themselves by ejecting water from their body. The squid ejects water from a cavity within its body.