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The English language is the result of the merging of the Germanic Anglo-Saxon language (also called Old English) with the Norman French language, a romance language, in the centuries following the Norman Conquest of England in 1066 AD.

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Nasir Sipes

Lvl 13
2y ago
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4mo ago

Languages have evolved over time through various processes such as cultural contact, migration, and historical events. Different language families have developed distinct characteristics and are spoken in different regions around the world. The origins of language can be traced back to early human communication systems, which gradually developed into the complex languages we know today.

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Q: Where does the languages come from?
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What two languages come out of the Celtic language group?

The two languages that come out of the Celtic language group are Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge) and Welsh (Cymraeg). Both languages are considered indigenous to their respective regions and have rich cultural and historical significance.

Which modern languages come from the Semitic language family?

The following modern languages all come from the Semitic language family:AmharicArabicAramaicAssyrianHebrewMalteseTigrinya

From where do many of your English words come?

Many English words come from a variety of languages including Latin, French, and Germanic languages like Old English. Over time, English has borrowed and adapted words from these languages, leading to the rich and diverse vocabulary we have today.

How are languages that come from basically tge same source categorized?

Languages that come from the same source are usually categorized as belonging to the same language family. These languages share a common ancestor and show similarities in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation due to their shared history. Examples of language families include the Romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian) and the Germanic languages (English, German, Dutch).

What languages does indo-European languages come from?

Indo-European languages come from a single hypothetical ancestral language known as Proto-Indo-European. From this language, various branches emerged, such as Indo-Iranian, Slavic, Italic, Germanic, and others. These branches further evolved into the distinct languages we know today, like Hindi, Russian, Italian, and English.