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the large vein at the base of the umbilica cord goes to the liver in a pig

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Q: Where does the large vein at the base of the umbilical cord go in a pig?
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Where does the large vein at the base of the umbilical cord lead to?

the large vein at the base of the umbillica cord goes to the liver in a pig

What is a umbilical vein?

An umbilical vein is one of the blood vessels contained in the umbilical cord. It contributes to fetal circulation.

What is the structure of an umbilical cord?

The umbilical cord is a tough membrane that covers the two arteries (the umbilical arteries) and one vein (the umbilical vein) that are coated in Wharton's jelly. Wharton's jelly is a gelatinous substance within the umbilical cord. It is derived from extra-embryonic mesoderm.

What is the tube which attaches the embryo to the placenta called?

The umbilical cord. The umbilical cord has the function of sending blood to the baby and returning blood from the baby after it has been utilized. There are two arteries in the umbilical cord that do this.

The umbilical cord is formed by the?

umbilical cord contains two arteries and one vein. umbilican vein carries pure blood to the fetal heart and umbilical arteries carry impure blood to the placenta of the mother.

Four vessel umbilical cord?

You only have two arteries and one vein.

What tube carriers blood oxygen and nutrients from the placenta to the developing child?

The umbilical cord is made up of three blood vessels: two smaller arteries which carry blood to the placenta and a larger vein which returns blood to the fetus.

Fetal pigs receive nourishment from their mothers through the?

Blood and nutrients flow through the umbilical vein which runs along the umbilical cord. The vein runs towards the liver. When it gets there, it is called the ductus venosus.

What type of blood vessel carries oxygenated blood through the umbilical cord?

placental vein

Are their two arteries and one vein or two veins and one artery in the umbilical cord?

This is to facilitate the exchange of materials between foetus and placenta.

What carries oxygenated blood to the developing fetus?

The umbilical cord, which carries oxygenated blood to the fetus and waste away from the fetus. The belly button is where the cord was attached to the developing baby.

What are the fetal arteries?

right and left umbilical arteries carry oxygenated blood. left umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood to the fetus. both these vessels are present in the umbilical cord.