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we get the light from the sun

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Q: Where does the light come from when you see the moon and other planets?
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Related questions

What can the sun do that the moon and other planets cant?

The sun burn gases and is static, where as the moon and the other planets move and are not sources of light.

Does a planet glow?

No. planets do not glow, they reflect light, like the moon does. The moon does not glow by itself. the light from the sun hits it and reflects and that light is the light we see comign from the moon. The other planets also do this likewise.

The light and heat on a moon in the solar system come from?

The sun, just like the heat and light for the planets.

Why you can see other planets and the moon?

You can see the other planets and the moon (at night), because like the Earth, they all reflect light from the Sun.

Why moon and planets shine and produce light?

The moon and planets reflect sunlight, they do not produce light.

The moon gives off what kind of light?

the moon does not give off light. the moon reflects it. actually, the sun's light is reflecting off the moon. this also happens to other planets as well. that's parcially why we can see Mercury and other close planets in the sky like a star. (not using a telescope)

Does the moon earth planets or sun give off their own light?

Yes, it does and it reflects light onto other planets making stars.

What are the other planets that shine for the same reasons as the moon?

SUN A DOY for light

Do light actually come from the moon?

The moon is essentially a big, dead world of rocks. It makes no light by itself.The moon is brightly lit by the light from our Sun. This reflected light from the moon is so bright because the moon has a high 'albedo', or ability to reflect lightCertain moons around other planets have such a low albedo that they are next to invisible.

If planets do not produce their own light how would we be able to see mars and venus?

Like our Moon, other planets can also reflect light from our Sun.

What emits light and what reflects light?

stars,metiorite and the sun emit light,comites do both. other than that the moon and the planets reflect light

How is the moon similar to other planets?

The moon is not a planet.