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It takes place all over! Some notable locations are Little Whinging, the Burrow, Fleur and Bill's house, Hogwarts, Godric's Hollow, and the Ministry. Most of the book, the threesome is on the run. Nightly, they hide in a new, secretive location. These are mostly rural locations where they hide in the woods, the countryside, mountains, etc. (Forest of Dean, woods where the Quidditch World Cup took place in the summer before their fourth year, 12 Grimmauld Place)

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Each Harry Potter book is one full year; book 7 (Deathly Hallows) is no exception: it is the full year right after the events of the year 6 (Half-Blood Prince).

As to the place... this is a bit of a spoiler, but not much; the events I will describe here happen near the beginning of the book.

Lord Voldemort manages to take over the Ministry of Magic; he puts Severus Snape in charge of Hogwarts School (as headmaster). Harry Potter, Ron Weasly, and Hermione Granger are on the run for the greater part of the year; so they obviously don't assist school. Harry Potter hadn't planned on going to school for his seventh year anyway (this is mentioned at the end of book 6); finding and destroying the horcruxes was his priority.

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13y ago

1997-1998 in England and Scotland(hogwarts)

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Different places, mainly in England and Scotland.

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It spreads over many months and places.

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